Children's Room
Welcome to the Ivoryton Library Children's Room!
It is so wonderful to be back in the library and we are now open to visitors from 9-5 Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesday 9-8 and Saturday 9-12. I have lots of new books for you to take home and enjoy, movies too!
Programming will be held in person and also virtually!
I will continue to be with you virtually through Facebook Live Story Times, Monday and Fridays at 9:30. Please comment in the feed if your child is watching, what animal they would like to sing about and I will be sure to include them in my “Hello” song and “Old MacDonald has a Farm”.
On Wednesdays, weather permitting, Story Time will be hosted in our Children’s Garden, OLDER SIBLINGS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME. BYOB, Bring your own blanket and pre-registration is required. We are limited in the number of families allowed to join us and I put together a Grab and Go craft for each child. Please let me know by the Tuesday before Story Time, Thank you.
Links on this page will be continually updated to offer more suggestions of great opportunities to distance learn, create and recreate.
>>1000 Books before Kindergarten Challenge…Perfect time to keep track! Email me your completed lists of 100 books, prizes will be awarded.
Register for programs and challenges by emailing me at
Wishing everyone health, happiness and safe distance adventures!
Kindest Regards,
Ms. Elizabeth

Mondays and Fridays 9:30 on Facebook Live
Wednesdays 9:30 in person, in our Children’s Garden
pre-registration required,
Please email
Monthly Newsletter
Check out what is happening this month!
Arts and crafts, projects, etc…
Children Room Links
Links to bring you places you may have always wanted to visit. Links that will entertain your children with stories.
Favorite Memories
From Story Time to gardening to periodic programs, we have a lot of fun at the library!